速報APP / 個人化 / Square Home Key - Launcher: Windows styl

Square Home Key - Launcher: Windows styl





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:인천광역시 중구 신도시북로43번길 86

Square Home Key - Launcher: Windows style(圖1)-速報App

Unlock premium features of Square Home with this key!

Square Home is the best launcher with metro UI of Windows 10.

It's easy to use, simple, beautiful and powerful for any of phone, tablet and TV box.

Main features:

Square Home Key - Launcher: Windows style(圖2)-速報App

- Vertical scrolling in page and horizontal scrolling from page to page.

- Perfect metro style UI and tablet support.

- Beautiful tile effects.

- Showing notifications and count on tile.

Square Home Key - Launcher: Windows style(圖3)-速報App

- Smart app drawer : sorts the best on the first by using patterns of app.

- Quick access to your contacts.

- Plenty options for customization.

Click the following link to install Square Home from Google Play.

Square Home Key - Launcher: Windows style(圖4)-速報App


Keywords: Launcher, metro UI, Windows 10 launcher, Win10 launcher, WP, Android TV box

Square Home Key - Launcher: Windows style(圖5)-速報App